Supernatural: Every Time A Character Returned After Their Death!

10 Jo Harvelle Returns As A Ghost For Dean’s Trial

Jo was the inexperienced hunter working with the Roadhouse crew alongside her mother, Ellen. She wanted to prove herself as a hunter and impress Dean, on whom she had a crush. Jo is killed by a hellhound in season 5, helping to save Dean in the process. Jo would return as a ghost two seasons later. She appears as a witness to Dean’s trial, but Osiris fails to convince her to testify against him. She is compelled against her will to try to kill Dean, but luckily snaps out of it before she can cause any injury.

9 John Winchester Time Travels

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who sacrifices himself in the first episode of season 2 to save Dean, reprises his role as Sam and Dean’s father in season 14, but as a past version who has jumped forward in time. For the 300th episode, a 2003 John ends up traveling to 2019 and meeting his sons. In the emotional episode “Lebanon,” the brothers find a treasure in a pawn shop that grants its owners their wishes. Although they try to use the pearl to banish Michael, they ultimately summon John to the bunker, upsetting events that have already happened. After the bunker is attacked by a version of the angel Zachariah who never died, and a version of Castiel who never got to meet the Winchesters, they realize their father can not stay. They are forced to send their much-missed patriarch back to his time, fearing his presence could destroy the world.

8 Eileen Leahry Comes Back As Ghost And Is Resurrected Via A Spell

Eileen is introduced as a legacy hunter in eleventh season. In season 12, she returns for a joint mission with the Winchesters and soon becomes Sam’s love interest. However, she is killed by a hellhound being controlled by the British Men of Letters’ Arthur Ketch. She later reappears as one of the many ghosts let loose after God opens the gates of Hell.

Eileen returns to the 15th and final season of after Sam discovers Rowena’s resurrection spell and uses it to bring her back to life. Sam tragically loses her again when God wipes the planet of humans. When Jack becomes the new God, he brings Eileen back from the dead once again, thereby granting Sam one last gift.

7 Rowena MacLeod Resurrects Herself Before Becoming Queen Of Hell

As a quasi-immortal witch, Rowena MacLeod is one of the most powerful characters in the universe, as well as one of the trickiest. As it’s revealed in the show, Rowena has a magic seal, meaning she can resurrect herself when she dies. This is especially useful when Lucifer kills her multiple times. Her final death comes in the show’s last season. Rowena, who went from a villain to a redeemed antihero in the end, uses her body to absorb the souls escaping from Hell and seal herself in the underworld in order to save the world. Her death helps to avert the apocalypse, but this is not the last time audiences see her. She returns as the Queen Of Hell in later episodes because death would never be the end for a character as powerful as Rowena.

6 Mary Winchester Is Resurrected By The Darkness

Mary Winchester’s death plays a huge role in the early seasons of . Mary struck a deal with the demon Azazel in her youth, which he came to collect when Dean and Sam were young children. She tried to protect her infant son, Sam, which resulted in being burned to death by Hellfire. Her death is the reason her husband and sons became hunters (though that was later retconned by prequel series ).

Amara, the sister of God, repays Dean and Sam after they help the Darkness reunite with God by bringing Mary back from the dead. Her resurrection happens because The Darkness wants Dean to realize that in real life, Mary was different from the one from his idealized dreams. Her return helps Dean cope with his anger issues and accept his past. However, Mary Winchester was killed again by Jack, never returning to her sons’ lives.

5 Bobby Singer Helps The Winchesters From Heaven

After seven years of being Sam and Dean’s friend and father figure, after he’s shot by the Leviathan in season 7. Luckily, the beloved character appears multiple times on the show after his death. Unlike other characters in , Bobby never returns as the original version of himself.

In season 8, as part of the second trial to close the Gates of Hell, Sam must rescue an innocent soul from Hell and release it into Heaven. He chooses Bobby, and the pair travel through Purgatory and fight vampires together. In season 9, his ghost appears to a dying Sam, and in season 10 is contacted by Sam, asking for his help. His last appearance comes in the final moments of the show, reunited with Dean in Heaven.

4 Jack Is Saved By Billie To Defeat Chuck

Jack Kliine is the Nephilim son of a human woman, Kelly Kline, and Lucifer. As a being with potentially incredible power, and one who has the potential to choose a path of darkness or of light, angels and demons all fight for access to him. Jack is overcome by his power in season 14 and starts to use it in the wrong ways. and forces the whole world to only tell the truth. This is later revealed as part of God’s larger plan to defeat Sam and Dean.

God/Chuck, sensing Jack’s growing power, smites Jack with just a click of his fingers. The young Nephilim ends up in the Big Empty with Billie, who brings him back from the dead. Billie saves Jack because she believes he is the only way to defeat Chuck once and for all. Sam, Dean, and Cas find Jack in an empty church, acting like a vigilante.

3 Castiel Is Resurrected By God And Jack

Despite being an angel, multiple times over run. His first death comes at the end of season 4, when he is smote by his fellow angels. Although it is never specified, it is implied that God resurrected him. A season later, he dies again in “Swan Song” when Lucifer smites Cas for getting involved in the battle. God brings him back to life once more as a thank-you for stopping the apocalypse.

Cas soaks up the power of the Leviathan in season 6 but can’t control it forever, causing his third death. When God brings him back, he has no recollection of his previous memories. When Cas is stabbed to death by April, Gadreel, the angel in Sam’s body, brings him back to life. Castiel dies once again in season 12 when Lucifer stabs him using the angel blade. He’s later awakened inside The Empty by Jack’s powers before he annoys a cosmic being into resurrecting him simply to be rid of him.
2 Sam Winchester Gets Resurrected By Castiel And Lucifer

over the 15 seasons of the show. His first death came in “All Hell Breaks Loose,” the two-part finale of season 2, when Jake Talley stabs him. Dean brings his brother back after making a deal with a crossroads demon. Sam dies again in season 4 when he is hit by lightning. His most significant death comes in “Swan Song” when he falls into Hell alongside Adam. Castiel resurrects him, but the years of being trapped in Lucifer’s cage change Sam.

In “Beat the Devil,” Sam and Dean need to travel into Apocalypse World to rescue their mother, Mary, and Jack. In the alternate dimension, Sam has his throat graphically ripped out by a swarm of ravenous vampires but is brought back by Lucifer. In the final episode of , Sam lives a long life after Dean passes and dies of old age. He is ultimately reunited with his family in Heaven.

1 Dean Winchester Is Saved By Castiel

although this number mainly comes from season 3’s “Mystery Spot,” in which Sam is trapped in a time loop where Dean dies over and over again, often in darkly comedic ways. Dean’s first death comes in season 2 when a car accident leaves him on life support. John Winchester trades his life and soul to Azazel to save his son. Dean’s most memorable resurrection comes when Castiel brings him back to life after a hellhound kills him, leading to Castiel’s iconic line, “.”

Dean’s most violent death is when hunters kill him alongside Sam in season 5, but the brothers come back after a memorable trip to Heaven. In season 7, he dies so that he can make a trip to Purgatory, and in season 10, Dean is stabbed by Metatron with the Mark of Cain still plaguing him. The season finale of sees Dean’s last and final death, when he is impaled on a spike. He is reunited with his loved ones (and his car) in Heaven.

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