Prince Harry opens up about his upbringing as a royalty

The British Royal family is probably the most famous family in the world.

While one would assume that having the Queen of England as your grandmother is all about glamour, the truth is that having your life exposed to the world is not pleasant and Prince Harry has experienced that first hand.

He first opened up about the issues he experienced as a child in the tell-all interview he and Meghan gave Oprah Winfrey shortly after they made the decision which angered his family, to step down from their royal duties and settle in California. Neither his grandmother, nor his brother and father were happy with what Harry revealed.

Among the rest, the Prince said he felt trapped until he met his wife. “I wouldn’t have been able to because I myself was trapped, I didn’t see a way out. I was trapped, but I didn’t know I was trapped. But the moment that I met Meg, and our worlds collided in the most amazing of ways and then [I began] to see how trapped within the system, like, the rest of my family are.

“My father and my brother, they are trapped,” Harry added. “They don’t get to leave, and I have huge compassion for that.”

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